Thursday, November 27, 2014

C++ Basic Syntax and comnets

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C++ Basic Syntax

In the previous post, you learned to create simple Hello World program in C++ by using Dev-C++ editor. This tutorial teaches you the basic syntax of C++ programming language that you should know since you are new to this computer programming language.
#include <iostream> It is statement written down to include iostream header file. that will allow us to use the command to receive input from users and diplay text on the screen.

using namespace std; The statement will import std namespace and allow us to use commands without having to type out their full name. A namespece defines name of varialbe or functions so that they do not conflict with other variable or functions that have the same names.

** C++ program will start from the main method;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


** Return 0; This statement will tell the C++ compiler that your program ends here without any error.A value other than zero will be treated as abnormal termination by the operation system.

Cout followed by <<
it is used to print text on the screen


Like other language, in C++ programming language, comments are used to explain the code written or to exclude the part of code from being excuted. There are two types of comments.

1.. // is used to make comments for a single line. you can write only a single line of text or code after the single-line comments. For a normal text, it will be used to explain or describe the code. If you place the C++ code after the comment, this code won't be compiled.
2../* */ is used to make comments for multiple lines. you can write multiple lines of text or code in the multiple-line comment block. if you place the code between /*and*/, the won't be compiled.


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/*Your first program will print the words Hello World on the screen*/
cout<<"Hello World\n";//Print Hellow world ont the screen
return 0;

The Result


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